Conference Programs and Courses

6th Brazilian Arbitration Forum

The sixth Brazilian Arbitration Forum will be held on 7 and 8 September 2023.

The activities on 7 September will take place at Sciences Po Law School (Paris), in the afternoon, with the sponsorship of CAM-CCBC - Centro de Arbitragem e Mediação, and will feature four round tables. The topics covered will be:

>"Arbitration and predictable justice: friends or foes? (Should arbitrators be predictable?)"
>"Realities and challenges of collective shareholders claims"
>"Present and future of Oil & Gas Arbitration à brasileira"
>"Arbitration turmoil in Brazil and Latin-America - Much ado about nothing?"

The activities on 8 September will be hosted by the ICC in the morning, featuring one round table on the interaction between arbitration and national courts.

José Miguel Júdice is one of the speakers, along side with Fabiane Verçosa, Sofia Ribeiro Mendes and Cláudio Finkelstein, on the topic'Arbitration and Predictable Justice: Friends or Foes'.
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